About Ron Smith

Our family came to Josephine County over one hundred years ago and used the Homestead Act of 1862 to establish the family home site. They started a new life, a better life, for their growing family, grandchildren and future generations. Thus, I was born in Grants Pass, a real native, at Josephine General Hospital in 1952.
I was raised in a household where God, family, and country were considered crucial elements for healthy, daily living. As I grew older, I became determined to do more to improve our community. That initial calling led me to get involved with organizations that shared my values and objectives.
As I continued working to advance those objectives, I was recognized for my service when nominated, “Citizen of the Year 2001″ by the Illinois Valley-Cave Junction Chamber of Commerce for my leadership role with People for the USA, a property rights organization.
As I moved along, I was honored to meet with Secretary of the Interior, Bruce Babbitt at the Bureau of Land Management Office in Medford, Oregon. Then in Washington DC, while lobbying for the Klamath Farmers on a water rights issue, I worked with Senator Harry Reed, Senator Gordon Smith, Representative Greg Walden, and various other senators and representatives who took an interest in the plight of those farmers.
I served in Grange activities and I am former Overseer for the Grants Pass Fruitdale Grange, and former member of Josephine County Pomona Granges. I am a past member in the Redwood Lions Club, Josephine County Farm Bureau.
I believe these associations have helped develop qualifications that I can use while performing the duties of County Commissioner of Josephine County.