Roads on Federal Land

Roads on the National Forest and BLM lands in Josephine county are very important for access and use of our lands. Necessary for use in fighting forest fire, recreation and producing any resources for the good of the people.

2015 ORS 368.016¹ County authority over roads

(1) Except as provided in this section or as otherwise specifically provided by law, the exercise of governmental powers relating to a road within a county is a matter of county concern.

RS 2477 It granted to counties and states a right-of-way across federal land

Revised Statute 2477 (commonly known as “RS 2477”) was enacted by the United States Congress in 1866 to encourage the settlement of the Western United States by the development of a system of highways. Its entire text is one sentence: “the right-of-way for the construction of highways across public lands not otherwise reserved for public purposes is hereby granted.”